Data < Information < Knowledge < Wisdom

Hi there! My name is Brian, and this is my website. I hope that you are here following up on a contract proposal or a job application. If so, good on you for doing your due diligence. You are probably wondering what kind of person I am, or if I will be a good fit in your organization. To assist you, let me tell you a little about myself.

I am accustomed to working 12-hour shifts for weeks to months on end, in remote areas, and driving hundreds of miles through blizzards to do it. I am someone who owns the day and doesn't make excuses. Someone who takes great pride in a job done the right way - on time, safely, and to the highest possible level of perfection. Someone who is just as comfortable a mile underground in a mine drift as he is behind a desk in a corporate office.

A lot of managers talk about needing someone with foresight, but what does that really mean? For me, it means learning. In August of 2014, I completed a masters degree in GIS, and I did it while working full-time. This foresight also included an eventual transition away from the unstable world of natural resources, and into the growing field of IT - which is why I recently became A+ and Network+ certified, and dove back into programming with Python.

But my life isn't centered on the office. I recently traversed the continent on a motorcycle, an experience that left me refreshed and focused on the years to come. I also fly airplanes, rock climb, play hockey and softball, and love nothing more in this world than good company and an evening campfire. I am always learning and growing, both as a man and as a professional.

To view or download my current resume click here.